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R&D Vision

R&D Mission

The Hyundai E&C Technology Research Center is concentrating its capability in order to improve the competitiveness of each business division, including infrastructure, building, housing, plant and new energy projects., and also contribute to sustainable future businesses. The Technology Research Center is paving the way for a new paradigm in the construction industry by securing advanced technology and thereby contributing to the improvement of our ability to secure and execute projects.


기술연구소는 기술니즈를 제안하고 사업/지원본부는 기술개발하고 적용합니다.

Technical Support

Direction of R&D

Hyundai E&C’s Technology Research Center is pioneering a new paradigm and innovation in the construction industry by acquiring advanced technology and strengthening its smart construction competencies. We are constantly looking for innovation by applying smart technology such as A.I., big data, ICT convergence and offsite construction technology, while leading the way for developing new businesses via renewable energy and eco-friendly technology such as hydrogen and off-shore wind power.