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Board of Directors

Board Structure

  • The BoD, that has three(3) Inside Directors and four(4) Outside Directors, is comprised to make decisions effectively and prudently.
  • The B of D is composed of Directors with various professions and backgrounds such as Construction, Law, Business, and Finance for effective operation and strategic decision-making, and reinforced control of management by external Directors that have been verified in independence.
  • The CEO holds an additional position as Chairman of the Board to enhance efficiency by performing the coordinator and host's role. The Lead Independent Director makes sure of independence of B of D by performing the role of monitoring CEO management, proposal and reflection of outside director's opinions.

Inside Directors

  • Yoon Young-Joon

    Date of Appointment
    2024.03.21 (re-appointed)
    M.A. in Environment University of Yonsei, Korea
    Term of office
    3 Years
    Career Experience
    (Current) President of Hyundai E&C, CEO
    (Past) Executive Vice President of Hyundai E&C
  • Hwang Joon-Ha

    Date of Appointment
    2022.03.24 (newly-appointed)
    B.A. in International Trade Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea
    Term of office
    3 Years
    Career Experience
    (Current) Senior Vice President of Hyundai E&C, CSO
    (Past) Vice President of Hyundai E&C
  • Kim Do-Hyung

    Date of Appointment
    2024.3.21. (newly-appointed)
    B.A. in Economics Seoul National University, Korea
    Term of office
    3 Years
    Career Experience
    (Current) Vice President of Hyundai E&C, CFO
    (Past) Vice President of Hyundai E&C

Outside Directors

  • Kim Jae-Jun

    Date of Appointment
    2023.03.23 (re-appointed)
    Ph. D. in Construction Management, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A.
    Term of office
    3 Years
    Career Experience
    (Current) Professor of Architectural Engineering at Hanyang University
    (Past) President of Korean Institute of BIM
  • Hong Dae-Sik

    Date of Appointment
    2023.03.23 (re-appointed)
    Ph. D. in Law Seoul National University, Korea
    Term of office
    3 Years
    Career Experience
    (Current) Professor of Law School at Sogang University
    (Past) Lawyer at Yulchon L.L.C.
  • Cho Hye-Kyung

    Date of Appointment
    2024.03.21 (re-appointed)
    Ph. D. in Robotics Seoul National University, Korea
    Term of office
    3 Years
    Career Experience
    (Current) Professor of AI Application at Hansung University
    (Past) President of Korean Institute of Robotics
  • Chung Moon-Ki

    Date of Appointment
    2022.03.24 (newly-appointed)
    Ph. D. in Business Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
    Term of office
    3 Years
    Career Experience
    (Current) Professor of Business at Sungkyunkwan University
    (Past) Outside Director of POSCO

Appointment and Term of Directors

  • Directors are appointed at the General Meeting of Shareholders.
    The company discloses information of candidates two weeks before the day of AGM to assist shareholders' decision making.
  • Inside directors are nominated by the B of D, and outside directors by the Committee for recommending candidates for outside directors. Appointed directors cannot exceed 3-year terms.
  • In case of an appointment of two or more directors, the company excludes cumulative vote under the Articles of Incorporation.

Qualification of Directors

  • Directors must speak for the interests of shareholders and stakeholders with exemplary consciousness of ethics, professionalism, and honesty.
  • For devoted performance of duty, inside directors cannot take more than four positions at a time. Outside directors cannot take two or more positions as another company's directors, audit and executive.
  • Outside directors shall have expert knowledge and experience in industry, finance, academics, law, accounting, and public sector, and must not have interests with company in the last five years.

Independence of Outside Directors

  • Independence of outside directors are judged by the requirements of Article 382 and 542-8 of Commercial Act, and in case of disqualification, directors will be released from the position.
  • Company's outside directors have secured independence according to the qualification requirements of the Law.